Schools life, Collage life, work life, all gets happening in our teenage to adult timeline.
But the real life starts after fatherhood i feel.
Before she turned one, she nestled in my arms, Carried on my shoulder, everywhere we went,
She and I, in love and care.
A tiny blossom, my eyes’ delight.
As time passed, like a time lapce in a video
she trying to walk,
Holding my hand,
each step we took, I watched her in the light of her smile,
Small things done by , made like a hug win win for me.
When trying to walk, she would look at me,
Grasping my hand with her tiny fingers,
With her, I found joy :) Each time in our shared moments.
But All of sudden one day she walked alone without holding my hands is secondary,
even she didn't looked at me! She is grown now but,
Letting go of my hand, for small walk feels like a i became child and my parents left me hands like feeling it is.
a small sadness lingers,
In her growing independence, I feel alone.
Its normal i know but still i felt broke a little...
I know i sound like stupid but what to do even if Albert Einstein would be feeling the same stupid at his fatherhood.
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